Monday, September 09, 2024

Holocaust denial on campus

This coming year, I'm planning to teaching this piece by Catriona McKinnon on Holocaust denial. So, I've been paying some attention to recent debates over freedom of speech.

Bridget Phillipson has announced that the Labour government will be pausing implementation of the previous government's Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023, partly because (she suggests) it might protect Holocaust denial. An official statement can be found here

This move has been welcomed by students or, at least, the NUS. (Presumably student opinion isn't unanimous.)

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Quote on education

I just read Viv Groskop's review (which I saw on MSN) of Exam Nation (Amazon affiliate). This was supposedly from The Guardian, though when searching for the original I found a different review online. Anyway, it seems like quite an interesting book, even if it sounds like it's focused on schools rather than higher education.

What really caught my eye though was the reviewer's quotable ending: "the process of great education is a bit like the process of doing well in any test or indeed in life: you have to be prepared to do the work". That might be a nice remark to share with incoming students...