Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Death Notices

Although this has probably reached most of those who care, I'm sad to pass on news of the recent deaths of two Oxford-related philosophers.

Michael Frede, expert in classical philosophy and former supervisor of my friend Pavel's girlfriend. I'd attended a graduate seminar of his on akrasia in Nicomachean Ethics VII and it was very thorough, though I recall a lot of time spent arguing with Ben Morison about Greek translation which was a bit lost on me.

Susan Hurley I'd only seen in moral philosophy seminars, though I know someone taught by her in Warwick. Though I don't know anything about her philosophy of mind/neuroscience stuff, I have read some of both Natural Reasons and Luck, Justice, and Knowledge - both very good, if dense - and also agree with Jo Wolff's recommendation of her paper in this book (previously mentioned here).


  1. Good grief – first Fopp, now Frede!

  2. Anonymous4:43 pm

    I knew Susan as well, but hadn't seen her since i think two grad conferences ago - this news came as a total shock.
