Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Sex Strike

Browsing through our copy of the Sunday Times, I came across this story - that the girlfriends of Columbian gang members have gone on a 'cross-legged strike' until gang violence ends. I was struck how this is exactly the premise of Aristophanes' Lysistrata (see my review here), in which the Greek women go on a similar sex strike to stop their husbands fighting. I wonder if that could have been based on a (partly) true story?


  1. Anonymous2:53 pm

    Seems like a good idea to me.

    I have long wished that non-smokers would simply refuse to sleep with smokers, thus extinguishing that vile practice forever.

  2. Anonymous3:12 pm

    Also, you posted this four times.

    I take it Blogger is acting up, as it so often does.

  3. Anonymous6:49 pm

    Hang on, bit of a loophole in your plan if smokers realise they can sleep with other smokers, surely?

  4. Anonymous7:49 pm

    @Dan Butt,

    Who cares if they do? They can either become a cancer-laced enclave or quit and join the rest of humanity.

  5. Are you assuming smoking is somehow genetic though? Or at least inherited through nurture/socialisation? I don't know how far it is restricted to running in families, but I'd imagine those born to non-smokers can pick it up too.

  6. Anonymous3:07 pm

    Hmm, I'm now worried that if a real norm of smokers and non-smokers not sleeping with each other came into being, given the popularity of smoking with the young, people might actually start smoking in order to have sex. I think we need to be VERY careful with this one.
