Sunday, January 11, 2009

Amusing Directions

I just received directions to the Lincoln EPA Science Centre (venue for a workshop on changing academic practice in February), which I thought amusing enough to share:

A pale yellow house is followed by a cream-coloured house, which has a large set of double doors painted bright red, with the words “Lady Abraham House” engraved in the glass above the doors. There is nothing at this point to indicate that you have found the Lincoln EPA Science Centre, but you have in fact done so.
The Science Centre is then directly ahead, across a small bridge flanked by fountains and a fibreglass heron (if this hasn’t been stolen by undergraduates, as sometimes happens).
(Please note that although the Science Centre is owned and run by Lincoln College, it is not located particularly close to the main college building on Turl Street, so it doesn’t really help to go to the college itself.)

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