Saturday, November 03, 2007


Rob's recent post calls for more political protest songs. Reading about Cheney's latest gaffe reminded of one of the shortest and simplest, by Brakes. Youtube performance here. Lyrics here.


  1. Yeah, but that doesn't help with my 'I need you to write protest songs so I can rob the ideas and use them to finish my DPhil', does it? Eh? EH?!

  2. What do you want? The moon on a stick?

  3. This is a demand for realistic utopias, you know. There have been protest songs in the past, and there can be again. By understanding this, my rage at the world is calmed.

  4. Are you in danger of saying it's good that bad things happen so we can have protest songs?

    Compare: It's a good thing people are starving because it gives us opportunity for charity.
