Tuesday, February 28, 2006

St David's Day (dinner and hustings)

St David's Day is actually tomorrow, but because it's also Ash Wednesday the college's evensong and dinner was actually tonight. As usual, it was a particularly impressive formal hall - with four courses, and the choir singing grace in Welsh - to celebrate the occasion.

There were plenty of graduates there, as we'd booked our last GCR meeting of term to coincide with the event. Sadly I got there a bit late, having been to see Ronald Dworkin in the Law Faculty, so wasn't able to sit with many other people - it was just me and my guest Veronika, but a pleasant enough evening in her company (and relative privacy) It meant we didn't get any wine to accompany the meal, but that was just as well.

After the meal, our meeting consisted only of new committee hustings - I'm standing (unopposed) for secretary - and the out-going committee giving end of year speeches. Sara's Lord of the Rings-style one and Nick's Marlon Brando impression ("a lot of us have come to see the GCR as a family") were the best.

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